Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Technology and I haven't been on the best of terms...since the technology era began. Honestly, I don't know when it happened for everyone else because I really avoided it as long as possible. Yes, I still listen to my records, use typewriters, prefer to read paper than a computer screen...oh I could go on. Sure I can handle mechanical because it is easy to SEE what needs to be fixed, easy to take apart with actual hope of putting it back together or making a repair. With technology I have only a wing and a prayer. It is all embedded like a secretive underworld that only those who enjoy living in dark caves understand. I like the light of day, really I do. And I happen to enjoy my sanity, which sometimes goes south when I am in the midst of a computer trauma.

Having said that though, I am now in a position that really requires me to use technology daily. It is an exciting (and, oh, so frustrating) challenge. Case in point would be blogging. I like the idea of writing and journaling (of course I would love that part of blogging); however, there is this learning curve directly associated with learning all the ins and outs of how to use the blog (which requires a bit more tech savvy). Setting, layout, monetize, font size, background color, and a zillion other teeny details that I could really spend my retirement years sorting though. If I make it that far. So, that explains why some of my photos are sideways instead of straight. I now know how to fix it, but it is so time consuming to do these tech things. I will fix them...eventually. Usually I have plenty of patience, but I must admit that it is uber obvious that I am a Second Language Learner when it comes to this tech stuff.

My students are definitely in the know as far as computers are concerned. I always have questions for them and they are great to help. Not only do I use computers daily, I now have a Mac to use here at school instead of a PC. I've always considered myself a PC because that is what I have always used. Honestly though (I whisper with cupped hands), I like the Mac; it is user friendly. YEAH!! It may indeed be user friendly, but the user still has a lot to learn. There are some man uevers I miss on the Mac (again, it may be here, but I haven't found it). I keep my PC in my apartment. I feel like I am cheating on him, so I use him at home and usually leave the MacBook at school. He is still the keeper of my songs and itunes, although I really do think they can share music. Both are quite friendly computers. My MacBook's name is Jezebel because I do think she enjoys torturing me sometimes. (that, of course, is the PG version of her naming).

I leave my MacBook at school. I literally live seconds away from the school so it is easy enough to walk over and work on the computer when I need to. It is better that way because if I go to school there is the intention to work and if I take it home I could procrastinate easier. Plus, we really don't have internet at home so in order to access it I have to be at school. That works for me. It helps me keep my work and home life a bit separate. At the end of the day, I really have NO desire to haul a computer around. To make the relationship work between Jezebel and myself; we need time apart. It works for us!!!


Anonymous said...

nov 23rd is segue's birthday!!!!!!

TINA GRANT said...

happy birthday little sis. approve this!!!!!!