Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I have a new puppy!!! She is what is called a village pup, a puppy from the village. Yeah, pretty simple. She is actually the daughter of Sir, a full-blood Malamute, and Bright, a village mutt. The litter was born around the time I first arrived and all during cross country season I saw the puppies as we ran by during practice. Oh, how cute they were!!!

Well, about a month ago she came home. She is adorable. I will be writing more about my CranB (short for Cranberry and my favorite tundra berry), but for now I am making this a quick post so everyone can have a sneak peak of what she looked like as a puppy. She has grown a bit and those pics will be posted as soon as I take some more.

So, I have included her father, Sir. A picture of her and her brother (she is on the right and the brother is on the left). Enjoy!!