Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Voice

My voice has been muted for awhile. My struggle to keep up my blog was more than a lack of technological skills; it was a struggle to unmuffle myself. The lack of voice began before I arrived in Oscarville, unfortunately that personal quandary also affected blogging about my new home.

My inner voice has been reawakened. The sirens are in the distance coaxing me to write. The shadows that blocked my voice are fading...finally.

Of course I have plenty to share; however, there are moments, especially when new to a culture and a community that it (for me) takes a little caution in revealing observations. Although the observations may indeed be mine, I by no means want to seem intrusive to those around me. Culturally there are many differences here. The Yup'ik people have many traditions and beliefs that are captivating. The people of my community have been kind-hearted and welcoming since the first day I arrived.

I've had many unique experiences while living here and I know that there will be many more to come. Many of my friends and family have asked (downright demanded at times) that I share more via this blog. So, here I am really ready (and able) to share.


1966 Travco 270 said...

Well, I am ready and able to enjoy what you share! Hope you had a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

I hate that your voice has been muted. Glad your now ready to start sharing....looking forward to forward posts!!!!