Thursday, September 10, 2009

Updating My Blog

Okay, so I've been a bit crap about updating my blog. Before I could write entries I had to decide what it is I wanted or should write on my blog. You see, I have been journaling my entire life, but let's be honest no one wants or needs to read those personal thoughts. So in usual Segue form I had to let the idea of a blog incubate for some time before I could create. Some may call it procrastinating, but I definitely disagree because I really am not one to put things off. Seriously (I hear some snickering happening so stop it!!), I always get it (whatever IT may be) done; however, I prefer to let it simmer awhile (maybe until the 13th hour) and then really go full force.

In my defense, however, I did actually create a blog within the first month of being here in Alaska...for me that is saying SOMETHING!!! Having said that I do not intend to rest on my laurels. In actuality, I have been making entries, just not on the blog. For those who know me, I am sure you are not surprised that I haven't done it the conventional avenue. I have been taking pictures as well and was worried that if I made an entry without posting the picture simultaneously I might not be able to make the two match later.

I still don't know if that is true or not because there are so many setting choices to consider and change that it is easy to get lost in the details rather than the substance. However, I do plan to transfer my postings to my blog THIS weekend which means I should be able to remain current. I am writing this as an entry so that I will be accountable to those who are expecting something to read.

Prepare yourself...because you will soon be in the know of my daily life in Oscarville.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

segue rocks!!!!!!!