Thursday, November 17, 2011

H.S. Speech Competition 2011

It is that time of year yet again for High School Speech. Two fun filled days of speech with some down time sprinkled all around, especially if you are not giving speeches. That could explain the reason I have a few posting all in one day. Of course, there was an explanation to the irregularity of number of posts in a given time frame.

Oscarville Participants: Kalila (sophomore) and Patrick (junior)

Day 1: Tuesday, November 15th
Round 1- During the first round students only give their speech in front of two judges; there are no spectators. The students practice or fret while they wait their turn to give their speeches. Students can give speeches in several categories: Dramatic, Humorous, Expository, and Original Oration (English and Yup'ik). Meanwhile, coaches and chaperones have some time to fill. I chose to grade papers, enter grades, and write lesson plans because Thanksgiving is right around the corner and it would pay to work ahead of the curve.

Round 2- The second round takes place after dinner. All students participate in Round 2 in front of an audience of peers and guests.

The average from Round 1 and Round 2 is what determines who makes it to Round 3, the semi-finals.

Day 2: Wednesday, November 16th
Round 3- This year I didn't have students make it to the semi-finals. Round 3 takes place in the morning of Day 2 and again their only audience is the judges. My students who do not make it to this round work on classwork and go to their VTC classes so that they don't have as much make up work to do when we return to the village. My students do not always like that I have them work on school work because many other students simply hang out and socialize when they are done competing. Hopefully, however, my students will appreciate their efforts and my structure (perhaps not today, but someday). This is the time frame I was able to publish post earlier today.

Round 4- The finals takes place after lunch and their is a huge audience. All speech participants, coaches, chaperones, and guests watch the final round. All the Yup'ik speeches are in one room and all the Engligh speeches are in another. As a whole we, the audience, watch the best of the best and this year especially was outstanding. The dramatic category gave me chills and had me crying (only a little), the humorous category was peppered with laughter and gasps of reactionary responses, the expository category shined new perspective on topics of interest, and the original oratation category pulled and persuaded with tugs at the heart and sparked the brain to reconsider what it might have thought it already knew.

After dinner (Pizza) and the Awards Ceremony is the event after the event, if you will....the Dance. Oh, yes, the dance. Now, I cannot speak for all coaches and chaperones, but I do believe that those 3rd year coaches (in my LKSD year) might just agree that we look forward to the dance almost as much as our students. Although there are many adults present, the third year crew seems to take the same posts now for three consecutive years: Mike and Matthew front hall, Kim hallway to gym, Erin and I landing to the library. The other 3rd year speech regulars who did not make it for whatever reason please know your absence was indeed noted. You were missed!!

As for dancing, seems like our speech high school crowd aren't too big on dancing-at least not in front of people they don't know. They love the dance, but many are too shy to dance. Bethel students tend to be more willing to cut a rug than the village students; however, by the end of the night more village students pop out for a quick dance here and there. Every once in awhile you could catch a glimpse of a coach/ chaperone moving to the beat and that is super fun.

Day 3: November 17th
Probably the most challenging day to teach....
We will stay in Bethel until 9:40am or so that way my students can go to their VTC math class and I can help shuttle teams to the airport. Then my team will be taken to the tundra where we will be picked up by snowgo and head back to Oscarville. When we get back we go right to class and it WILL be a challenge. The dance ended tonight at 10pm and the students will be exhausted tomorrow. Oh, who am I kidding? So will I for that matter.

And it all will have been worth it!!!
Speech rocks!!

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