Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Voice

My voice has been muted for awhile. My struggle to keep up my blog was more than a lack of technological skills; it was a struggle to unmuffle myself. The lack of voice began before I arrived in Oscarville, unfortunately that personal quandary also affected blogging about my new home.

My inner voice has been reawakened. The sirens are in the distance coaxing me to write. The shadows that blocked my voice are fading...finally.

Of course I have plenty to share; however, there are moments, especially when new to a culture and a community that it (for me) takes a little caution in revealing observations. Although the observations may indeed be mine, I by no means want to seem intrusive to those around me. Culturally there are many differences here. The Yup'ik people have many traditions and beliefs that are captivating. The people of my community have been kind-hearted and welcoming since the first day I arrived.

I've had many unique experiences while living here and I know that there will be many more to come. Many of my friends and family have asked (downright demanded at times) that I share more via this blog. So, here I am really ready (and able) to share.

Monday, August 22, 2011

School Starts

District wide in-service: this year's focus is on the new Reading curriculum- Storytown for elementary and Glencoe for junior high and high school. Seems like every year there is something new to learn and implement. YEAH!!! I am really excited about the new reading curriculum to be honest. Another HUGH change is the transition out of phases and into carnegie style grading. Essentially this means that classes end each semester which is quite different than before in Math, Reading, and Writing.

Last Monday we started classes and it has been busy busy before classes started and ever since. Workers were here fixing our heater so we weren't able to really get into our classrooms until Saturday before classes started. Not to worry, we here in Oscarville are very adaptable.

My class schedule this semester: Algebra I (VTC), American Literature, Earth Science (VTC), Writing, Government, and P.E. Two of my students are actually taking classes in Bethel this semester because they are involved in a program focusing on math and science. That leaves me with 5 in my classroom here in Oscarville. Small numbers really allow that focused individual time with each student. That is crazy exciting!!!

When I first returned it was rainy and wet. Thankfully the sun has started to come out. Yesterday Tiffany, the new junior high teacher and my new roommate, and I went out on the river in the kayak. First you have to understand that both she and I are at school working the majority of the time. So, we decided to take a break and get some fresh air.

Saturday night we pumped up the kayak (it is inflatable, but it is a very durable inflatable kayak). After we pumped it up, the scene became much more comical. We decided to take it outside and store it in the container so it would be easily accessible to use. Squeezing it out of the front door was a breeze compared to getting in the container outside. Usually the container only has the winter skis and some storage items but there is always loads of room (definitely enough for the inflated kayak). Oh, not this time. The container was FULL of school food. FULL. Oh, it wasn't going to deter us. We squeezed and shoved and pushed until it wouldn't go any more. Then Tiffany climbed into the container to help maneuver it. She said she could get in, but didn't know how she was going to get out. I will tell you how. She climbed up and over it like she was a surfer on a wave.

Sunday afternoon we went out. I know I was looking forward to going and thankful that Tiffany was willing to join me. I only have one kayak paddle so I paddled out which was more challenging paddling two instead of just myself. Plus, the currents of the river had its own idea of which direction we should go.

I managed to take one photo of Tiffany before the batteries died in the camera. Look at that big smile!!

Honestly, the going is good, but the being out...just sitting and enjoying the greatness of the outdoors is spectacular. So, we decided to head back after not being out too long because the going home was upriver. That makes for more interesting and challenging paddling. Well, we decided to take the paddle apart (it is a paddle that breaks into four parts for storage. Then we paddled as if we were in a canoe rather than a kayak and it made all the difference in the world. I am lacking photographic evidence because as I went to take the first photo my battery was DEAD!

As we headed into Oscarville slough we were the show to watch. Yes, the two kassaqs paddling away. And then Olga started to talk to us from across the water and in order to hear her we had to stop paddling and the current would turn us around in a circle. So, we did several circles before making it to shore and back home. All-in-all we were out a little over an hour and a half. Just for the record the kayak did NOT go back into the container. NO WAY!! We sat it next to our house until the next outing. That was good for our first time out this year. We both still had work to do, but getting out of the school building was so great. I know I will spend more time on the water this year.

Year Three

I enjoyed my summer tremendously!!! As the summer neared the end, however, I have to admit I was ready to head home to Oscarville. I love Alaska and I love Oscarville. As I boarded the plan to Bethel on August 8th I was a bit under the weather with a fever to boot; I was ready to just be home. As I entered the airport my Oscarville family, Eliza, Olga, and Alex, greeted me. As poorly as I felt, I couldn't help but feel so much better. Their hugs and chatter filled me with joy and soothed my pain away. What a homecoming!

Alex took CranBerry and I back to Oscarville. My students came to help carry my luggage and groceries. Home, home, at last.

I needed to rest, but soon I would meet Tiffany who will be the J.H. teacher and my roommate. I had to wait a couple of days, but finally I met her at in-service. You'll have to wait for that introduction. You'll like her. I do. This is going to be a great year #3.