Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Oscarville Teaching...lifejacket required

Seriously? A life jacket on my teacher's chair? Yepper. Here in Oscarville the only way to travel before the river freezes is by boat, so having a life jacket available is always necessary. Actually, if you would to look around my desk you would find a coat, a pair of gloves, two hats, a face mask, two clean pairs of socks, a pair of boots, a pair of Birkenstocks, and a pair of tennis shoes. By mid August I rarely wear the shoes I wore TO school AT school. The feet must be happy.

I like being prepared and since I do go out at lunch recess I want to be properly dressed for the occasion. We go out when it rains, snows, and even when it is cold (but not too cold: -20 degrees is what we consider too cold). Yes seriously!

Oscarville doesn't have an airport, so even when we do travel by plane we first must take a boat to get to a plane. We are unusual in this scenario because all other villages in our district have airports. Simply put, Oscarville is special.

First Snow

September 28, 2010
Oscarville Slough

CranB enjoying the weather change. Her winter fur is starting to return.

Such a wild beast she is...Alaska born and loving it!
She really comes alive with the cold weather.